1. Format of Play
1.1 The series will consist of ALL accumulated Sonic 10 Pin Fun Bowl from July 2022 to May 2023.
1.2 The format of play for the series will consist of 5 games for each bowler at ANY Sonic 10 Pin Fun Bowl.
1.3 This series is part of our Sonic Bowl’s 10 pin tap $15k Perfect Game Prize.
1.4 Cross-lane play will be used during Fun Bowl.
1.5 There will be a guaranteed Top 3 Prize Fund every single 10 pin fun bowl for the entire Series from July till May’23.

Prizes from 4th position onwards, will be subjected to participation rate.
1.6 At the end of all accumulated 10 pin fun bowl series from July 2022 till May 2023, the
Top 60 ranked bowlers, will qualify for the Sonic 10 Pin Fun Bowl Masters.
1.7 Bowlers will rack up ranking points from any Sonic 10 pin Fun Bowl and the Top 10 gets ranking points that goes like this:

Every other participant from 11th position onwards will get 2 ranking points each.
(If there are 48 participants that day, position 11th to 48th all get 2 points each.)
1.8 Scores for each fun bowl will not determine the Masters finalists. Only by point system.
1.9 When there is a tie registered in points for 60th position, the tie-breaker for 60th position will be the total accumulative pinfall of all the 10 Pin Fun Bowls the bowler has participated in this Fun Bowl Series.
1.10 The following handicap system will be in place for all 10 Pin Fun Bowl:

2. Registration

Please call any of our centres to register.
2.1 Spots will be given on a first come, first served basis. In the event that all spots are taken, a waiting list will be established.
3. Bowling Balls
3.1 It is the bowler’s responsibility to ensure that all bowling balls used during the tournament are conforming to International Bowling Federation (IBF) Rules and Regulations. The tournament/Technical Committee reserves the right to examine the balls used by the participants. Use of an illegal ball is grounds for disqualification and forfeiture of all games, prizes and standing aside from any other penalties that may be imposed.
3.2 Altering the surface of the bowling ball is ONLY ALLOWED BEFORE COMMENCEMENT/AFTER COMPLETION OF EACH GAME, provided they are made at the designated area and it must not delay the bowlers and the progress of the game.
4. Slow Bowling
4.1 Slow Bowling is strictly not allowed and bowlers must bowl when it is their turn to do so.
4.2 Players shall be ready to bowl when it is their turn and shall not delay the start of their approach or delivery if the lanes immediately adjacent to them on both the right and left are clear.
5. Verification of Scores
It is the bowler’s responsibility to ensure that the correct score for each game bowled is recorded on the scoreboard.
6. Interrupted Game(s)
6.1 The Tournament Director may authorize the completion of a game and series on another pair of lanes when equipment failure on the lanes would delay the normal progress of the series. An interrupted game and series that cannot be completed must resume from the point of interruption.
6.2 In the event the score of any game is lost and/or erased and cannot be recalled and/or traced due to power or equipment failure, the bowler concerned will be required to re-bowl a new game when the power supply resumes or equipment is repaired. However, all scores of completed games that have been recorded in the official score sheet shall remain unchanged.
6.3 If a pair of lanes becomes unusable or unplayable before or during the squad games as determined by the Tournament Director or its assigned official, any available pair of lanes provided by the bowling centre shall be assigned to affected participant(s). In case of machine breakdown during Matchplay, vacant lanes shall be assigned to affected finalists. Any interrupted game(s) or series must resume from the point (frame) of interruption. No practice throw(s) shall be allowed.
7. Protest
Protest involving eligibility or general playing rules must be submitted in writing to the Technical Committee not later than 24 hours after the game in which the infraction occurred or before prize presentation, whichever is sooner. If no written protest is filed prior to the expiration period as stated above, the game or games shall stand as bowled. Each protest under this rule shall not be construed to cover a similar or previous violation.
8. Matters Not Provided For
The Tournament Committee whose decision shall be governed by IBF General Rules & Regulations, shall decide on any matter arising, which is not covered in these Rules & Regulations. Such a decision shall be final, subject only to an appeal to be made in writing to Sonic Bowl within 24 hours of the decision of the Tournament Committee.
9. Cash Prizes
All cash prizes will be given out after the tournament during the Prize presentation.